Lost Tools of Writing Outline

LTW Outline for George Washington

Lost Tools of Writing Essay 7 Outline

I.  Introduction

A. (Exordium) “I die hard.” a quote by George Washington

B. (Naratio)

1. (Setting 1) Continental Congress

     a. (Who) George Washington and John Adams

b. (Where) Continental Congress

c. (When) before the Revolutionary War

d. (Action) John Adams made a joke about how George Washington would be a good general because he was tall

2. (Setting 2) George Washington’s letters to his brother

a. (Who) George Washington and Lawrence Washington

b. (Where) in a letter

c. (When) after John Adams’ joke

d. (Action) George was being falsely modest

C. Division

1. (Agreement) George Washington was offered position as General by John Adams in a joke

2. (Disagreement)

a. (Thesis) George Washington should have accepted the position as General

b. (Counter-thesis) George Washington should not have accepted the position as General

3. Distribution

a. (Thesis) George Washington should have accepted the position as General

b. (Enumeration) for three reasons

c. (Exposition)

1. (Proof 1) George Washington has battle experience

2. (Proof 2) George Washington wanted authority

3. (Proof 3) George Washington needed to protect his rights

II.  Proofs

A. (Proof 1) George Washington has battle experience

1. He had been a part of many battles

2. He had been in the British Military

3. He had won battles before

B. (Proof 2) George Washington wanted authority

1. He was prideful

2. He wanted to be important

3. He believed in his image

C. (Proof 3) George Washington needed to protect his rights

1. The British were wrongly taxing Americans

2. He believed Americans would soon be slaves

3. He did not want to be a slave

III. Refutation

A. (Counter-thesis) George Washington should not accept the position as General

B. (Counter-proof) He had never made a battle strategy before

1. He had always followed others instructions and he had fled from many battles before

2. This is inadequate because he was intent on not being a slave and put his mind to it.

C. (Counter-proof) If he lost he would harm his pride

1. He might lose all of his land and authority

2.  This is inadequate because it was for the greater good

VI.  Conclusion

A. (Thesis) George Washington should have accepted the position as General

B. (Summery of proof)

1. George Washington has battle experience

2. George Washington wanted authority

3. George Washington needed to protect his rights

C. (Amplification)

1. This matters to the U.S.

2. Because we wouldn’t be here without him

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