Log Cabin Schoolhouse Coding Class
Programming is magic. It’s the ability to create things from pure imagination. CodeCombat was started to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using typed code.
As it turns out, that enables them to learn faster too. WAY faster. It’s like having a conversation instead of reading a manual. Everyone should have the chance to learn the magic of programming.
Video Content
Students type real Python or Javascript while playing games that encourage trial-and-error, critical thinking, and creativity. Students then apply the coding skills they’ve learned by vanquishing enemies through fun and interactive game play with CodeCombat.
Programming Skills:
Level 4a & 4b: Basic Syntax, Arguments, Variables, Strings, If Statements, Arithmetic, While Loops, Arrays, Functions, Parameters, Object Literals, For Loops, Boolean Logic, Modulo
These videos go with the Log Cabin Schoolhouse Coding Self-paced class. The price of these videos does NOT include the CodeCombat license.
Make sure to check out the Log Cabin Schoolhouse Coding Self-paced class, where you can interact with other young coders learning through these videos, as well as play through countless Code Combat levels. The first release of videos will only be available for Python. Javascript, Web Development, and Game Development are coming soon!
Flashcards with all the coding terms they will need in levels 1-5 available now!
Who is this class for?
Grades 4 – 9, Entry Level and Intermediate- NO experience needed
Kids who love programming, or just gaming in general
Kid Entrepreneurs who want to learn from another Kid Entrepreneur going into her second year of business
Kids who just want to learn a new skill!
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