Unlock your imagination and explore writing novels with AI technology.

AI Writers Guild

Young novelists will self-publish a novel with the 'AI Writers Guild' at Log Cabin Schoolhouse. Unleash your creative potential, embrace innovation, and gain valuable skills while writing novels with cutting-edge AI technology. Join us, and together, let's redefine the future of storytelling and make it accessible to all, including students with various disabilities.

Before I tell you all about this course, let's make sure your student is a good fit.

Your middle schooler is right for the AI Writer's Guild if they either want to write their own novel, or you think they might find joy in the process through their love of technology. AI Writers Guild is right for them if having a book to hold in their hands that they wrote themselves might light them up with joy and fulfillment!

If your student is...ONE of these...

By the end of this course your student will have...

Self-published their very own novel on Amazon KDP.

Learned the cutting-edge art of prompt engineering.

Learned some new AI tools that are out there today, such as ChatGPT, Novelcraft, and Dall-E

Learned how to organize their thoughts and plans for their novel in Microsoft OneNote.
And they mastered advanced features of Microsoft Word to write their manuscript.

Grown in their literary skills TREMENDOUSLY.... such as mastering the Hero's Journey Story Structure.

... And More ...

What's inside the AI Writer's Guild Course

This six-step blueprint provides a comprehensive pathway, utilizing AI tools throughout the novel writing process, from initial concept development to final publication on Amazon KDP. The course is designed to guide participants through every stage of writing a novel, ensuring they are well-equipped to become proficient novelists.

Foundations of AI-assisted Novel Writing

Complete the novel's foundational setup, including plot, character, and world outlines.

Module 1: Introduction to AI and Novel Writing.

Module 2: Setting Up Your Writing Project.

Deep Dive into Characters and Plot

Establish detailed character profiles and settings. Finalize a comprehensive plot outline.

Module 3: Character and World Building with AI.

Module 4: Plot Development and Story Arcs.

Crafting the Narrative

Create engaging narrative elements that bring the story to life.

Module 5: Writing Dialogue and Descriptions.

Overcoming Creative Challenges

Implement AI-driven techniques to sustain and invigorate the writing process.

Module 6: Overcoming Writer's Block with AI.

Refining and Polishing the Manuscript

Achieve a polished, coherent, and stylistically unique manuscript.

Module 7: Refining Your Writing Voice.

Module 8: Advanced Editing Techniques with AI.

Preparing for Publication

Have a manuscript ready for publication and a clear plan for self-publishing on Amazon KDP.

Module 9: Preparing for Publication with Amazon KDP.

That's Not All... There's More

If you thought that we're done, then you're in for a surprise because we have got more in store for you

Become an Author

One of the most significant achievements for students will be becoming authors by self-publishing their novels. They will experience the entire process, from ideation to publication.

Master Prompt Engineering

Students will learn the art of prompt engineering, enabling them to effectively communicate with AI for creative writing and other applications.

Make Writing Friends

The collaborative nature of the course will help students make new friends and enhance their teamwork skills, which are essential in both academic and personal growth.

Enhancing Technology and Creative Writing Skills

By learning and using tools like Microsoft OneNote, Viva Engage, Word, ChatGPT, Novelcraft, and other AI tools, students will enhance their technical literacy. They will also refine their creative writing abilities, learning how to craft compelling narratives, develop intricate characters, and create immersive worlds.

A Plan That Suits Your Need

Plain and simple: AI Writer's Guild will change your student's life and it's officially OPEN for enrollment until AUGUST 15th.
Class begins September 3rd!

$40 to register PLUS $40 a month for nine months enrolls you in this amazing course!

9 Monthly Tuition Payments of

$40/Month ($400/Year includes Registration)

Here Is What People Who Took Classes with us Say.

We love our families and strive to take very good care of the children entrusted to us. We hope you'll join our tribe!


I am so grateful that we found Log Cabin Schoolhouse to include in our homeschooling journey! It's an exceptional team with fantastic offerings.



I am so grateful to Ms. Jen for courageously beginning this live online course as it greatly blessed my family’s homeschool journey.



This has been a lifesaving, tear drying, love for math constant for my son and me. When we moved from PA to SC, Log Cabin Schoolhouse came with us, and it was beyond a blessing!


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Plus You'll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

Everyone at Log Cabin Schoolhouse worked tirelessly to create you a course to be excited for each week. We want you to love and share about your novel writing experience to everyone around. But if by the end of WEEK 2 you are not very happy and satisfied with the course, we promise to give you a 75% refund on your purchase. Though we promise you that would not be the case, so shop on without any doubts.

By the end of Week 2 in the course, you'll have received access to the first two sets of information in the AI Writer's Guild.

If you don't feel totally confident and motivated by your novel idea, simply reach out, show us you've put in the work, and we'll refund your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

These questions cover a range of topics from technical aspects and safety to the educational approach and outcomes of the course, providing parents with a comprehensive understanding of what to expect.


What is AI in the context of this course, and how is it used for writing novels?


In our course, AI refers to artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, which assist students in the creative writing process. They help with generating ideas, plot development, and overcoming writer’s block.


Do students need prior experience with AI or novel writing to join the course?


No prior experience is necessary. Our course is designed to guide students from the basics of AI and novel writing to publishing their own work.


What are the technical requirements for participating in the course?


Students will need access to a computer with internet connectivity. Familiarity with basic software like Microsoft Word is helpful but not mandatory.


How does the course ensure a child’s online safety when using AI tools?

We prioritize online safety by using secure, child-friendly AI tools and platforms. But parents WILL be needed to help monitor due to the asynchronous and virtual nature of this course. By signing up for this course, parents are agreeing to monitor their child's AI usage.


Can you provide more details about the final outcome of the course?

By the end of the course, students will have written and self-published their own novels using AI tools, gaining valuable skills in writing and technology. Parents will be necessary in the publishing process due to rules on Amazon for minors.


How does the course cater to different learning paces and styles?

Our course is designed with flexibility to accommodate different learning styles and paces. The modules will be dripped out weekly for 36 weeks, but your student will have access to the course for the school year and summer.


What measures are in place for students who might need extra help or support?

We offer additional support through chats with fellow students and the instructor. There will also be a parent Facebook group as well.


What kind of follow-up or post-course support is available to students?

Post-course, we provide ongoing support through our alumni network, a parent Facebook community, and writing and prompt engineering collaboration in our Microsoft Viva Engage if the kids continue to enroll in future Log Cabin Schoolhouse courses.

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