Minecraft Education Edition

Our Minecraft Options

Also there’s an IN PERSON class in Huntsville, Alabama at the Monkey’s Wrence where we’ll meet every Friday at 1PM for an hour to have adventures and build together!

We have a virtual Minecraft weekly meetup for kids. They can make friends all over the country! Super fun!

We also have a way to get the Minecraft license and just hangout with others on our server! No actual planned classtime. Teachers are welcome to purchase this and use it for co-ops or their own homeschools.


Meet your Coaches, Jennifer & Logan.

Joining Jennifer in this exciting journey is Logan, a true Minecraft virtuoso. With a knack for creating awe-inspiring worlds, Logan can build anything from thrilling roller coasters to enchanting water worlds, cozy tree houses to mighty fortresses and majestic castles.

His expertise and creativity are bound to ignite the imaginations of our club members as they embark on thrilling Minecraft adventures.

Join Jennifer and Logan for a FUN adventure!

Minecraft is an incredible, boundless world of endless adventure and creativity!

Find MINECRAFT friends here!

Jennifer, our dedicated lead instructor, brings a wealth of experience and passion to our Minecraft Club.

As a seasoned engineer, she has not only honed her technical skills but also embraced the role of a homeschooling parent for the past eleven years.

What is Minecraft?


What People Say About Us

"This has been a lifesaving, tear drying, love for math constant for my son and me. When we moved from PA to SC, Log Cabin Schoolhouse came with us, and it was beyond a blessing!"
My daughter recently completed AOPS Pre-Algebra with Krystal of Log Cabin School House this spring of 2022. My daughter looked forward to class each week as she really enjoy participating in math games with her classmates and having the opportunity to review problems she found extremely challenging throughout the week. She also greatly benefitted from learning how to explain how a problem is approached and solved by completing her math writing problems. As mom, I benefitted by seeing my daughter’s math confidence and ability increase each week without any assistance from me (well aside from finding the laptop charger). Additionally, the teachers are so invested in all students offering parents the opportunity to meet with one-on-one to discuss homeschooling goals, concerns, and assistance with planning future curriculum. I am very grateful to LCSH because it provides quality academics at a fraction of the price. My daughter is looking forward to taking Algebra with LCSH in the fall.
I had tried to implement the Beast Academy curriculum at home for my daughters on two separate occasions before I found Log Cabin School House. My daughter and I would begin strong plowing through book A and B until we hit an objective that felt impossible to grasp. I would then find a different curriculum to teach the concept on a more simplified level, my child would be excited about math being “easy”, and we would not return to Beast math. In the Fall of 2020, my daughter (who isn’t a huge fan of math) began Beast 3 with LCSH (the other Beast 4). She absolutely loved reading the comics, neat notebook (that she decorated like Lizzie’s “neat notebook” in the comic), and the math games. Her method of approaching a problem in both academic and non-academic settings changed. When she found a concept difficult to grasp, someone from LCSH was available to help her. There were tears of joy when we finished Book 3D (finally made it to D without giving up) in the Spring of 2021 with LCSH. She also learned to like math and is looking forward to entering Beast 5 Fall 2022. As a parent, LCSH has allowed me the opportunity to be mom and not teacher for the one subject my daughter and I constantly warred over. My new “responsibility” was to ensure she was completing her assignments and to provide assistance when asked. I am so grateful to Ms. Jen for courageously beginning this live online course as it greatly blessed my family’s homeschool journey.

LCSH Minecraft Club Details:



Minecraft Club (in person @ The Monkey's Wrench)

Fridays, 1 – 2 CST

January 19th – April 26th, 2024

Monkey’s Wrench, 1317 Virginia Blvd., Huntsville, AL

$60 / semester / student

Virtual Minecraft Club

Fridays, 9 – 10am CST

January 19th – April 26th 

$19 / month (4 payments)

Access NOW

Minecraft Education supports game-based teaching and learning in a creative, collaborative, and problem-solving immersive environment. Model a house building lesson, assess the lesson, and apply it in the classroom with a lesson planner.

Access NOW

Build upon the skills learned in Minecraft 101 by continuing another build challenge introducing new in-game assessment tools and a multiplayer environment. Continue to look into the lesson planning process as a reflection.

Access NOW

Build on the skills in Minecraft 101 and 201 through a build challenge with a small-group multiplayer environment that introduces world builders and special blocks. Continue to look at lesson planning as reflection.



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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Minecraft product do you use?

A: Minecraft Education Edition (not Java or Bedrock)


Q: What ages do you teach?

A: We are teaching children who listen and follow directions, whatever age that translates to. They also must be able to type and navigate the PC.


Q: What if we miss a class?

A: You have access to Minecraft at home all during the session! Use it every day if you please!


Q: What devices does MEE work on?

A: Chromebook, iPad, Mac, PC, and Mobile.

Q: Are these classes in person?

A: This Spring, 2024, LCSH is offering Minecraft in person, virtual with live weekly classes, and simply as a product you can subscribe to with no classes. (3 different ways!)


Q: Can we communicate with the other kids on the LCSH tenant?

A: Yes! We have a chat tool so kids can reach out to each other and find safe friends to play with. No strangers like when they are on Java or Bedrock.

Refund Policy:

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Since we have a subscription model, anyone can try out a month of classes for a small fee with the ability to cancel at any time.

You’ll get much more than $8 or $19 in value just for being with Jennifer for a month and inside of her Microsoft environment.

***No refunds on the Monkey’s Wrench class as it’s such an affordable option and seats will be limited.

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